Each learning space in a 360 Early Education service is considered holistically. Our environments are inclusive and we celebrate diversity and make adjustments to remove barriers where ever we can.
Even before your baby starts to crawl, they are explorers at 360. In environments that invite sensory play and activity, babies will discover, build connections, and grow!
Our priority in the Babies room is ensuring consistency between each baby’s home life and their time at the service. We place strong emphasis on secure attachments and emotional wellbeing. As children progress between learning environments from birth to 3 years, we aim to ensure that the same group of educators remains with the same group of children. We follow a primary caregiver model, which nurtures relationships between a child, a family, and a specific educator. By maintaining consistency, we acknowledge that attachment is a fundamental ingredient for healthy brain development. Strong attachments lead to a strong sense of identity and a sense of security which increases very young children’s willingness to explore and learn…
Every element of our environment is carefully considered; with colour, light, texture, sound and scent intentionally incorporated. If you decide this could be the right centre for your family, and a position is available the infants room, you’ll see this for yourself when you come in to spend time in the room with us. You’ll teach us about your child and family, and we’ll share our programs, plans, knowledge and experience with you.
Our babies have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities including our Beyond the Classroom Curriculum, Munch Masterclasses and Imagination Library Literacy Program.
Our fees are inclusive of morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, late snack, nappies, cot sheets and sunscreen.
Our toddler room provides a tangible hands-on approach, with engaging routines utilising real-life resources that allow toddlers to discover how the world works, and how they can influence their environment. We understand that toddlerhood is a time rich in transitions and we strive to support families and children as these skills emerge and develop. Our toddlers have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities including our Beyond the Classroom Curriculum, Munch Masterclasses and Imagination Library Literacy Program.
Toddlerhood is a time of discovery and rapid learning; did you know that a three year old has over 1000 trillion connections in their brain? Our model of intentional teaching will see you partnering closely with the educators in the room to set goals, celebrate achievements and build your child’s understanding of how the world works. Even in toddlerhood, children will be supported with emotion coaching, independent self care and have a voice that is taken seriously in our programs!
Our fees are inclusive of morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, late snack, nappies and sunscreen.
Everyone seems to be talking about the benefits of high quality education in the year before school. But what does this actually look like?
Our extended hours preschool, which runs from 7:30am to 6pm, is enriching and exciting for your child, and exceeds the national quality standard in all seven areas! This is no small feat.
Our preschool rooms are committed to laying strong educational foundations and preparing children for the transition to primary school life.
We provide children with
- School Readiness Program covering kindergarten Key Learning Areas
- Mindfulness Program (MindUP!), to nurture pro-social skills and social-emotional competence
- Beyond the Classroom curriculum involving excursion programs, Bush School and Swim School
- Imagination Library Literacy Program
At 360, we know what it means to be four…
We support your children to manage relationships with other children (and adults!) to ensure they are equipped not just for formal schooling, but for life.
We invoke curiosity and nurture problem solving skills, empowering your child to with the tools they need for reading, writing and arithmetic.
We immerse children in literacy, language and literature, science, mathematics, arts and technology. Our services are well resourced, with new materials introduced in response to children’s learning – We go Beyond the Classroom! Our excursion program is an embedded part of our curriculum. Preschool children venture Beyond the Classroom weekly, if not more. We take them to swimming lessons, we take them to bush school, we check out the museum, the zoo, the art gallery – so if you’re ever inspired go as a family , your child will be ready to be your tour guide!
Our teachers have built partnerships with local schools and teachers and will work to ensure your child, and the school, are ready for each other on the first day of kindy.
Our parents are our biggest supporters
Don’t just take our word for it. We have thrived because of our strong local reputations, thanks to the support and recommendations of our families.