Is your child aged 3 to 5 years?
Access Free Preschool from your State Government’s Preschool Funding.

ACT Free Preschool Program
360 Early Education is a proud partner of the ACT Free Preschool Program. Eligible families with children aged three to five years have access to fee relief.
If your child turns 3 years of age before 30 April, they may receive up to:
- 300 free hours of Preschool
It is estimated that families will receive up to $1,329 in fee relief per child.
Upon enrolment, you will need to complete a declaration form and nominate 360 Early Education to administer your funding.
For more information on the Australian Capital Territory’s Free Preschool Program, click here.
NSW Start Strong Program
360 Early Education is a proud partner of the NSW Start Strong Program. Eligible families with children aged three to five years have access to fee relief.
If your child turns 4 years of age before 31 July, they may receive:
- $2174 per year
If your child turns 3 years of age before 31 July, they may receive:
- $515 per year
Upon enrolment, you will need to complete a declaration form and nominate 360 Early Education to administer your funding.
For more information on NSW’s Free Preschool Program, click here.