Financial Support

Child Care Subsidy – The Child Care Subsidy is a government-funded program that helps eligible families with the cost of childcare. The subsidy is paid directly to the childcare provider on behalf of the family. To be eligible, families must meet certain criteria, such as income and activity level. You can apply for the subsidy through your MyGov account. 

Additional Child Care Subsidy  The Additional Child Care Subsidy is a top-up payment that provides additional support to families who face additional barriers to accessing childcare. This includes families who are experiencing financial hardship, have children with special needs, or are in vulnerable or disadvantaged situations. 

Start Strong Funding (NSW) – A program which helps with the cost of preschool fees. The program supports preschool children to meet the recommended level of 600 hours of early education per year. This funding is on top of the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). 
Start Strong for Long Day Care (

Three-Year-Old Preschool (ACT) – A program which helps with the cost of preschool fees. The program supports preschool children with up to 300 hours of early education per year. This funding is on top of the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

Skills NSW  Skills NSW offers a range of programs and initiatives to support parents with childcare costs. These programs may be eligible for the Smart and Skilled subsidy which provides funding for vocational training, and the Adult Community Education (ACE) program, which provides free or low-cost training courses.